At TMWRK Consulting, we believe in the power of teamwork to support leaders, elevate organizations, and bring engagement into the workforce.


Cathie Saroka, founder of TMWRK Consulting

Hi, I’m Cathie and I am the founder of TMWRK, a consulting company for Organizational Health in the workplace. I have always had a passion for building a strong company culture and in helping people develop themselves into the best that they can be. Since I was young, my dad taught me the importance of business in supporting people, families, and communities and that idea fuels my work today.

I co-founded and built my own company for over 30 years from start-up into a multi-million-dollar family business that is regarded as one of the most respected firms in the architectural glazing industry. This company is still well respected for its quality, integrity, and amazing culture.

Once the business was transitioned to the next generation, I turned my skills and passions to helping other organizations achieve greater success through uniting their strategy and operations with healthy behaviors. That is where TMWRK Consulting was born.

Cathie Saroka, founder of TMWRK Consulting

I work directly with my clients and their teams to help them implement change and recharge the organization. I work for the leaders, and I do this by working with their teams at all levels of the organization.  I have led my own company through many transitions over the years, so whether you need help with a change in management, a change in process, or aligning your team to engage with a common vision, I bring all the tools, knowledge, and experiences in working with people in business for many years and help you to implement changes so that they are permeated throughout the company.

I received my leadership consulting training and certifications through my CAPA Pro affiliation with The Table Group. I have an MBA from the University of Calgary with a focus on Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship, as well as certificates in Corporate Governance for SME’s from the University of Alberta, and Marketing Strategy from Cornell University.

I am always excited to meet other business owners and leaders of organizations to learn more about what is happening in the world of work. Let’s connect and have a conversation – I would love to hear your story.


We help leaders build organizational health and improve their business results. Our customized solutions are designed to:

Organizational Health


Image of business partners discussing documents and ideas

A healthy organization is one where politics, dysfunction, and confusion are minimized, and productivity and morale rises to heights above your competition. People are engaged, trust one another, willingly talk openly, and hold each other accountable. Every member of the team understands and celebrates the value that everyone on the team brings.

I think it’s fair to say that we have all either witnessed or been a part of an organization that does not look like this. We have sat in meetings that went nowhere, we’ve seen background conversations happening instead of being forthright with one another, we’ve experienced toxic behavior that was either ignored or celebrated because the person was a high performer.

A team meeting with drinks

What I have also seen throughout my career are many smart companies that had great products, exceptional marketing, brilliant strategies, and understood the business of business – only fail to achieve their full potential. Why? As smart and focused as they were, when they failed to pay attention to the health of their companies, the behaviors became a cancer that eroded all their hard work from the inside out.

The good news is, there is a way to turn this around. It is not easy or a quick fix to change mindsets and change behaviors. It requires focus and time, but most of all it requires courage. It requires that leaders and their team members be willing to confront themselves, each other, and the dysfunction within their organization honestly and consistently. They must be prepared to walk into uncomfortable situations and address them with a mindset of “How can we make this better?” Only when they can do that, will they be able to realize the full potential of the organization and of each person on the team.

A team meeting with drinks
Colleagues looking at data together

At TMWRK, we believe it is our job to help you combine the intelligence that already exists in your organization with healthy behaviors and skills. We work with your teams to permeate these skills and behaviors throughout your organization so that everyone is rowing in the same direction – finally. Give us a call or request a free consultation to see how we can help you build the organization that you want.